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Our nitrided pans offer a lovely warm sound with a hugely complimenting medium sustain. This makes it particularly good for faster playing and players of a percussive nature, as well as those wanting to increase their range of playing styles. They offer a fantastic ceramic sound across a range of scales and notes. 


All of our nitrided pans are heat treaed, offering rust protection, and deep drawn in house using the Pan Amor deep drawing system. 


They have a full colour range and a phenomenal appearance with the colors and contrasts that are on show.


Combine all of this together and you have a pan that really stands out both for it's sound and it's looks!


Number of Notes: 9 + 1

E Kurd Spectra Design (9+1)

    Panamor Handpans Ltd, Unit 3, 6 Marsh Green Road North, Exeter, EX2 8NY
    07772 295 742                                        

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