Coming Soon
Hey everyone,
Thanks so much for coming to check out our website in the making.
We are currently building up the content for this site so be sure to check back soon. Alternatively you can subscribe in the meantime for latest news and updates on all things Panamor Sound Sculptures or join us at our Facebook Page, Instagram or Twitter where you can also get all the latest as well as being the first to know of our Flash Sales! So don't miss out.
We have some exciting things in the pipeline which we will let you know about as and when things happen.
You will be able to find us at some various festivals in the coming future where you can sample, buy and order our pans. We will keep you all updated about this over here at the Panamor Sound Sculptures HQ as well as on our social media.
We look forward to seeing/communicating with you all.
Loads of love,
Panamor Sound Sculptures.